My main focus here will be on writing (and thus sharing and learning) in public. I'll do so by confronting my anxious tendencies and chronic perfectionism by sharing good but incomplete (at least by perfectionistic standards) writing.
More specifically, I will be focusing on the idea of "Sensemaking." While having different connotations and specific meanings in various circles, the term’s basic meaning is obvious: how one makes sense of the world around them.
An extra layer of meaning for me is including the processes of note-taking and note-making (which I'll address in the future), as well as journaling and writing in general. Because writing out my thoughts is the main way I make sense of my experiences, how I learn and grow, and how I best communicate with others.
Generally speaking, the idea here is that I'll take something(s) that happened to me or occurred each week and show how I process and make sense of it. (Though I may slide into that over time, first starting with more broad stories of sensemaking).
And while most things will percolate over longer than a week, I'll still be writing from what’s on the top of my mind, so it'll always be an authentic look at my thinking process.
I hope you'll join me for what should be some dramatic growth (both in terms of progress and in overcoming my fears)!